Saturday, July 11, 2015

So what are my options?

This topic could be sensitive to some, or TMI.

About an hour after I spoke with the doctor that Tuesday, I got a phone call from the genetic counselor. She went into more detail about the triploidy, my risks if i continued the pregnancy, and what my options were if I decided to terminate.

This was the first time the idea of termination ever slightly seemed like a possibility. It was such a scary thought. Since I felt comfortable talking to the genetic counselor (since we were practically best buds now!) I asked her about how the termination would go. She told me there were two options when you're as far along as I am. I'm almost 20 weeks at this point.

The first option is to terminate the pregnancy, induce labor, deliver the baby stillborn, and then they can give you the time to spend with your stillborn baby, take pictures, potentially have a service, cremation, etc. However, it's possible to be in labor for hours or days even before you actually deliver.

The second option is a D & E (Dilation & Evacuation). You're put under anesthesia, and they remove the pregnancy and the placenta.

Well, both sounded pretty awful, for different reasons. I never thought I'd be in the position to have to make such a decision, and I still hoped I wouldn't. I hoped for a miracle, or I even hoped that she would pass naturally and peacefully before I had to do something so drastic.

Legally, I had about 3 weeks left to make a decision, and I didn't even have the full amnio results yet.

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