Saturday, July 18, 2015

Maternal Serum Screening Results

Monday, June 15 - 19 weeks pregnant

I got a phone call from my OB. The blood test results were back, and she was really concerned about my AFP levels. I think the normal range is around 2, but mine was 8. She sounded pretty concerned, and recommended that I make an appointment for an ultrasound and possible amniocentesis as soon as possible, that same week. I think I was sincerely freaked out by this, because my OB had said previously that she doesn't like to do the amniocentesis unless its absolutely necessary. 

So my happy bubble was shattered once again. I wasn't really sure what this abnormal AFP meant, but I googled it anyway. You know how doctors always say to stay away from google? a girl needs answers and reassurance sometimes! 

I made a ton of phone calls that afternoon, trying to find a hospital in my network that could do an ultrasound that week, and possibly the amniocentesis. I was all set for Wednesday, June 17th. I told my husband it shouldn't be anything major, and that he didn't have to go. I still don't know why I said this, if I was possibly going to have an amnio. I guess I thought I could handle it, like I always think I can handle everything. I mean, how much bad news have I gotten while at work already? I got this.

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