Sunday, July 19, 2015

OB Visit & the Maternal Serum Screening

At my next OB visit, June 9th, I was 18 weeks pregnant. We discussed the happiness that was the normal NIPT test.

As if you can't already tell, when a screening has scary results, we do our best to debunk it. When a screening comes back with happy results, we let it ride!

Despite the happy, I remember going into this appointment feeling a little off. It must have been because I was 18 weeks, and I still haven't felt any movement. I thought that tI probably should have by now, because so many women were asking me. The nurse at the cardiologist asked me, friends and family, but I still haven't felt anything.

Anyway, the OB asked me if I wanted to hear the heartbeat. I said of course, but a part of me was so afraid she wasn't going to find a heartbeat. I had no real reason to worry, so I'm chalking it up to pregnancy paranoia. She checked for it and there it was, loud and clear and right up to speed. :-)

I also had even more blood taken this visit. This was for the Maternal Serum Screening, which checks for abnormalities and checks your AFP levels (Alpha Fetal Protein). I wasn't really hyped for another screening, but it is what it is, especially since my HGC levels were high previously. I felt somewhat confident.

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