Sunday, July 12, 2015

Early Amnio Results (FSH test) - Triploidy Diagnosis

I think it was Tuesday, June 23rd that I got the call about some early amniocentesis results. I was surprised that it was so early, since the amnio takes 7-10 days for results, but they can get some early preliminary results if insurance allows, called the FSH test.

The doctor who called me was the ultrasound doctor who originally talked me out of the amniocentesis, which was weird. I didn't like her very much, and that made the whole conversation very cold.

She told me that our baby had Triploidy, which is an extra third set of the X chromosome. This condition is fatal, and "incompatible with life" as she put it. Most cases of triploidy miscarry in the first trimester, and if they don't they will  be stillborn. The longest record of a child surviving with triploidy is 10 months post delivery. (I'm not sure if this 100% true, this is just the stats she gave me.)

She said all the abnormal tests circle back to this diagnosis. The spina bifida was actually just a symptom of the triploidy.

Things looked bleak.

So make the situation worse, the triploidy was causing issues with the placenta, which was most likely causing my blood pressure to be high. It could also cause thyroid issues, etc.

So I could terminate the pregnancy, or I could continue to carry her until she passed on her own, or give birth and just wait. I don't think they really do much to save a baby with triplody, or at least that was the impression I got, since the diagnosis seemed so hopeless. However, the longer I carried her,t he sicker I would get.

I remember getting this call at work, and taking notes like it was just another call. My game face was getting pretty solid I guess. Or just so used to being the recipient of bad news maybe?

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