Monday, June 1, 2015

3 weeks later.

I'm currently almost a month post D & E. I'm doing okay for the most part. Last week I had my surgical follow up, and things are looking good. My HGC levels are coming down nicely. They told me that my liver enzymes were almost quadrupled right before the surgery because of the placenta, but those are coming down down as well.

We're also waiting on the pathology report of the placenta, to see if it was a partial molar pregnancy, which can be caused by the triplody.

I had to get a depo provera birth control shot before I left the hospital, which lasts 3 months. I have to get that again in another 3 months. They wanted to be sure all my pregnancy hormones go back down to zero before I try to conceive again, because of the partial molar pregnancy. With the PMP, the tissue can begin to come back and cause the levels to go back up, which can also lead to cancer. So, this means weekly blood tests! Once they level out, I'll get monthly blood tests. We can start trying to get pregnant again once they stay steady for a certain amount of time. It feels like such a long time, but thinking about going through all that pregnancy stuff again just gives me crazy anxiety right now!

Meanwhile, the nursery we never started working just sits empty :-( I try to not get stressed out about being too late to have kids, but my doctors all reassure I have plenty of time.

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